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How to go about Hiring a React.JS Developer?

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It is becoming very hard to hire a React.JS developer as their number of growing. But the problem is that you need to find such developers who are experts and a large number of them are just novices. If you are a specialist, you don’t need to go look for a job, it comes to you. And if you have come across a talented software developer who has been unemployed for a few weeks, there could be 2 reasons for that:

  • You are just lucky to bump into a specialist because they cannot found roaming about generally.
  • The developer that you have met is not as good as he/she is claiming to be.

That brings us back to the original question, how are we supposed to hire a react.js developer? How to zero in on them and how to ensure they are fit for your organization? With this article, we are giving you an insight into this process. It will help with the basics of the hiring procedure which is specifically concerned with this domain.

How is it so hard to hire a React.JS Developer?

GJGYJGHJSo how should you go about the whole process of hiring reactjs developers? Is there a way or procedure you can follow and make things easier? You are definitely going to take help from the recruitment websites, but they give you a blizzard of CV’s to choose from. You might think for a while that it is easier, but it is actually not.

Currently, there is an active competition among companies to snatch the best reactjs developers and it makes almost impossible for the smaller firms to even think of hiring an expert. Because within a few minutes of uploading their CV, they are offered a handsome salary from a reputed company. To sum it up, it is not really easy for the small players to hire reactjs developers, they have to dedicate a lot of time. But there are few things that you can keep in mind and it would surely make the process easier.

JavaScript is the most dominant programming language

You need to remember one thing very clearly that JavaScript rules at the end of the day. You can come across various developers who are focused on the language. There are many tools in them and not all of them are useful, but still, it is a big deal. So basically, you need to look for a developer who must be able to develop websites, desktop or mobiles apps with this language. GitHub and Bitbucket are some of the platforms where you can easily find some experts who have expertise in JavaScript.


React.JS works best for big players

Some of the big industry players like Facebook, Yahoo, and many others prefer React.JS to other languages. Therefore, it is clear that this library gives out the best results. Most of the aspiring developers know it and they master this language for getting high-paid jobs making it more difficult for small enterprise to hire them.

React.JS is new and upgrading

React.JS is relatively new and it is constantly evolving. It makes the framework more interesting for the developers because they can also contribute to its development. For someone who is passionate about development, this language sweetens the pot.

Never expect hiring to be easy

Hiring is a process that involves a lot of sorting and communication, it is actually a very tedious job. You have to go through several resumes, call the candidates, document their response and conduct the interview. And when it comes to hiring a developer on a higher designation, it becomes more difficult.

Follow the step-by-step guide for achieving effective results

If you are looking for a React.JS developing for the creation of your website or app, read the instructions below.

Assess the candidate

Very often, the software developers overestimate their talent and try to downplay a simple project. Such developers either reject your offer or stay with you for a brief period. That’s because after a while, they know what their abilities are and they again look for another job.

Gauge their experience

Experienced reactjs developers are hard to come by and most of the times, you will find them working with a big company. You may even find junior developers or trainees who are more experienced, at that time, you should be smart enough to hire them for your project.

Satisfied Employees

There are employees who have been working with one company for many years. They are the ones who are happy with their job, salary, growth prospects or co-workers. It is very hard to allure them to join a new organization.

Evaluate your project

Before starting the entire process of hiring, you need to first ascertain the requirements of your own project. Once you know the specifics, you will be able to make sure how experienced candidates you require for this job.

Make an elaborate job description

When you create the job description, you need to manifest each and every detail. You also need to explain your organization and explain the requirements. You need to describe the future responsibilities alongwith the perquisites on the basis of performance.

Reach out to hubs

The next thing to do is to tell everyone that you have a job opening in your company. You need to approach the recruitment website who would channelize your vacancies to several candidates using their network.

Spearhead the search activity

You need to be very active in the search for eligible candidates. The whole activity should be driven at a priority and you need to involve the entire team of recruitment and human resource.

Conduct interviews

You will be able to know the potential of the candidates only when you talk to them in person. And the interview should be held in different phases:

  • Screening (a preliminary introduction taken by the candidates to check soft skills and experience)
  • Operations Round (interview taken by someone from operations to precisely gauge the skills)
  • Assessment (the candidate would be given a task to perform within a timeframe)
  • Final Interview (to discuss the salary and other expectations)

If a candidate gets through every phase of the interview, you can be quite sure about his/her performance, provided, you haven’t compromised with norms of the interview.

The cost-to-company (CTC) of hire react.js developers differ from individual to individual depending on their skillset and experience. The development of services are now very expensive, but if you could get hold of a talented developer, then you can achieve effective results.

  right-arrow31-1Things To Consider Before Hiring ReactJS Developer


To conduct the process of hiring effectively is a challenge and it has to done very carefully. It becomes more difficult when you look for experts in languages like React.JS. You need to use all the job finding networks such as LinkedIn and etc.

The easier alternative that you have is to contact the software development companies and get dedicated react.js developers for your project. You can get the most experienced and skilled developers with their help.

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